LC | Global delivers knowledge to help organizations meet tomorrows' global challenges through the intersection of culture, leadership, technology and the science of psychology.
Thor L. Legvold, Psy.D. offers over 25 years of experience working with international and multinational firms, bringing people together to work effectively, assessing and developing executives and teams, facilitating cross-cultural connection and global strategy. He has lived and worked in several countries across the globe, is fluent in multiple languages, and specializes in working across and with different cultures.
Thor serves as a trusted leadership advisor for executives and organizations across a wide range of sectors and industries, including finance, technology, manufacturing/industrial, energy, retail, healthcare, entertainment, NGO, startups/entrepreneurship, service industry, and government/public sector.
Are you ready to take your organization to the next level?
Let us help you solve your unique challenges.
Each project comes with its unique set of challenges, which may vary in complexity and scale. However, it is essential to adopt a well-defined, systematic approach to overcome these challenges effectively. This approach ensures that we can identify the core issues, incorporate diverse stakeholder perspectives, and develop solutions that align with the organization's objectives, strategies, and culture.
A brief outline of our ALIGN process follows.
Our clients expect tangible results and understand the competitive advantages of integrity, reliability, effectiveness and trust. They typically have, or want, a footprint in multiple countries, or culturally diverse teams, with the advantages these bring.
Your business is no better than the people who run it, and the science of people is our specialty.
As some recent clients put it:
"We had struggled to bring our project teams - spread out around the globe, together in a meaningful way. They were blaming each other, we were behind schedule and far over budget. Thor managed to bring everyone together and get them aligned around a common vision and shared plan to successfully complete the project."
"Thor understood the complexities of my role and the company I was tasked to lead, and worked to help me improve aspects of my leadership that were essential to get my team and the company working together to meet our very ambitious OKRs."
"Thor delivered far beyond our expectations."
Our services are focused on bringing people and teams across an organization closer together and improving the company's performance as a whole, aligning each part of the organization across continents to work towards attaining common goals.
Legvold Consulting understands culture, offers extensive international experience with a global focus, and provides services at all three levels of an organization - individual (assessment, executive coaching, leadership development), team (team development, cross border (virtual) and cross cultural teams), and company-wide (organizational development, change management, M&A).
We focus primarily on C-suite and senior executive assessment and development.
Hiring the wrong candidates costs not only time and money, but affects the company's culture, agility and focus.
We offer a range of evidence-based assessments to suit, tailored to your needs and the requirements of the organization. Let us ensure the right fit for the role.
Our individual coaching and leadership development programs help ensure your leaders are the best in the business.
Building effective teams takes special expertise. Getting teams across cultures and countries to work effectively together adds a level of complexity few are prepared or knowledgeable enough to tackle.
We specialize in cross-cultural teams and global leadership, maximizing your effectiveness where aligning vastly disparate elements of the organization make the difference between a smooth running global success and a system that quickly breaks down and costs both money and time.
Today's complex world requires effective, efficient teams in order to gain a competitive advantage.
Working across borders and cultures can pose additional challenges to keeping things running smoothly.
We work to develop high-performing teams in critical points of your business, as well as ensure smooth operation of virtual or cross-cultural teams spread across the globe.
As Edgar Schein famously said, "culture eats strategy for lunch."
Because your culture determines and limits strategy, understanding and developing a winning culture that aligns all parts of the organization towards your "North Star" is an essential strategic advantage. This applies especially to geographically disparate companies, as well as during Mergers and Acquisitions where a mismatch in culture can be catastrophic.
Developing a unified company culture that serves your vision, ensures peak performance as well as employee satisfaction and engagement is a key factor among the best performing companies.
P.O. Box 25411, Los Angeles, CA 90025